Wedding Ceremony Vows - Religious Vows
Wedding Ceremony Vows - Religious Wedding Vows
This is a follow up article of my recent post regarding wedding ceremony vows - traditional vows. The following wordings are all examples of a wedding vow suited best for contemporary and religious weddings. Feel free to add some more words if you think its kind of short or change some wordings if you like too.
Just see to it that, the essence and meaning of these wedding vows are still intact and present.
So here are contemporary and religious wedding vows examples.

Before God our Father, Who has given us the gift of love, I (Name), join with you, (Name), in the covenant of marriage. I promise to give my faithful, life-giving love to you, and to share my life with you, as long as we shall live. May this community of faith witness our love for each other for the rest of our lives.
In the sight of God's love, and in the presence of our families and friends, I (Name), take you, (Name), to be my (husband/wife). I offer my friendship and trust in you, promising to be faithful and understanding, as long as we both shall live.
In the presence of the Lord and of this assembly, I take thee, (Name), to be my (husband/wife), promising with Divine Assistance to be unto thee a loving and faithful (husband/wife), until death shall separate us.
I love you, (Name). Today is a very special day. Long ago you were just a dream and a prayer. Thank you for being what you are to me. With our future as bright as the promises of God, I will care for you, honor and protect you. I lay down my life for you, my friend and my love.
I love you, (Name), and I know that this love is from God. Through all of the uncertainties and trials of the present and future, I promise to be faithful to you and love you. I promise to guide and protect you, as Christ does his Church, as long as we both shall live.
I, (Name), take you, (Name), to be my wedded (husband/wife); to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, or the Lord comes for His own, and hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.
(Name), I will be a strong spiritual leader for us in our life, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, in joys and in sorrows, until death do we part. I give you all that I have, myself, and my love. All these things I pledge to thee in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. With this ring, I seal my vow of love to you, and pray I may fulfill God's place in our home, in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I love you, (Name), and I thank the Lord for the love that has bound our hearts and lives together in spiritual fellowship of marriage. I will love, honor, and cherish you always. As we enter upon the privileges and joys of life's most holy relationship, and begin together the great adventure of life, I will love you in sickness as in health, in poverty as in wealth, in sorrow as in joy, and will be true to you, so long as we both shall live.
(Name), I take you to be my (husband/wife). I pledge you the rest of my life, as your partner and your friend. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
I promise to love you, (Name), with an unselfish devotion. I will care for you with tenderness, and I will always seek to strengthen you, comfort you, encourage you, and hold you up daily in prayer before our Heavenly Father. I pledge you my faithfulness and eternal love, from this day forward.
(Name), in the sight of God's love, and the presence of our families and friends, I give to you friendship and trust, guidance and support, love and compassion, promising to be faithful and understanding, for as long as we both shall live.
I, (Name), take thee, (Name), to be my (husband/wife). To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and I promise my love to you forevermore.
I, (Name), take you, (Name), to be my (husband/wife). To share the good times and hard times, side by side. I humbly give you my hand and my heart as a sanctuary of warmth and peace, and pledge my faith and love to you. Just as this circle is without end, my love for you is eternal. Just as it is made of incorruptible substance, my commitment to you will never fail. With this ring, I thee wed.
Before our friends and those so special to us here, on this wonderful day of gladness and good fortune, I, (Name), take you, (Name), as my (husband/wife), in friendship and in love, in strength and weakness, to share the good times and misfortune, in achievement and failure, to celebrate life with you forevermore
Hope the above samples can get you started or simply, helps you out to create a wedding ceremony vow of your own.
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